This OSIM eye massager and sweet pastel pink preserved roses bouquet will just be perfect for that girl who is in need of a perk-me-up or a spa day. Pamper someone important to you today with this soothing combo!
Flowers Used:
3 Stalks preserved rose pink, cotton flowers, dried pampas and dried limonium misty blue.
Product Dimension:
Approx. 17cm (W) x 32cm(H)
Items Included:
Comes with an OSIM uMask Eye Massager
As some contents are subject to availability, they may be replaced with similar items of equal or greater value
Designed with your well-being and eye-care in mind, the OSIM uMask pampers your eyes with gentle vibration massage for brighter looking eyes anytime, anywhere.
- Model: uMask Eye Massager
- Model number: OS-141
- Voltage: 1.5V (1 'AAA' Alkaline battery)
- Gross weight: Approx. 115g
- Net weight: Approx. 75g
- Power consumption: 0.2W