Same-Day Flower Delivery Singapore | Order by 3pm for same-day Christmas Flowers Delivery!

#1 Trusted Florist for Same-Day Flower Delivery Singapore

Shooting Star (Bridal Bouquet)

Shooting Star (Bridal Bouquet)
WB1635 white bridal bouquet
WB1635 white bridal bouquet
  • Description
  • Florist Tip
This wedding is your heart’s wish and on this special day, may this bridal bouquet be a beautiful witness of a wish come true.

Flowers Used:
12 stalks of white roses, million star, and ruscus.
  • As some contents are subject to availability, they may be replaced with similar items of equal or greater value.
  • *Some blooms will vary in size and colour according to seasons. The final product may not resemble the image 100%.
Set up an appointment with your florist to check and prepare the flowers you want on your perfect wedding.

Select Delivery Options

  • Delivery
  • Click & Collect (S$10 off)

If order is placed before 7 Dec, 11:00 AM, the delivery timings are:

Date: Time:

For urgent delivery or delivery beyond 30 days later, please call our customer service at +65 6280 1007

S$10 off your item if you choose to self collect online by 12pm for FREE same-day* collection in-store!

Select Outlet:
Earliest Collection Date: 7 Dec 24
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For any urgent collection, please call our customer service at +65 6280 1007

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Shooting Star (Bridal Bouquet)

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