Whispering Roses (6 Red Roses)

Whispering Roses (6 Red Roses)
BQ2321 Whispering Roses 6 Red Roses new 1a
BQ2321 Whispering Roses 6 Red Roses new 1b
BQ2321 Whispering Roses (6 Red Roses) 4a
  • Description
Delight your loved ones with our elegant bouquet of 6 stalks of red roses, sweet Sarah rose spray, and more. Expertly arranged and wrapped in a light brown wrapper with a red ribbon, it's the perfect surprise for any occasion.

Flowers used:
6 stalks Kenya red roses, sweet sarah rose spray, red hypericum, blue misty limonium, eucalyptus cinerea

Approx. 18cm (L) x 45cm (H)

*As some contents are subject to availability, they may be replaced with similar items of equal or greater value.

Select Delivery Options

  • Delivery
  • Click & Collect (S$10 off)

If order is placed before 3:00 PM, the delivery timings are:

Date: Time:
Due to fluctuation in the cost of flowers, price may change without notice.

For urgent delivery or delivery beyond 30 days later, please call our customer service at +65 6280 1007

S$10 off your item if you choose to self collect online by 12pm for FREE same-day* collection in-store!

Select Outlet:
Earliest Collection Date: 15 Feb 25
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For any urgent collection, please call our customer service at +65 6280 1007

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You can type in gift card messages during the checkout
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Whispering Roses (6 Red Roses)

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